Saturday, November 1, 2008

Final Fall Performance

Our last home football game! It is a little bitter sweet. I got teary eyed after the performance, cause I sort of hate to see it end. I have a lot of work cut out for me coming up, but it is nice to have a little bit of a break with the performing and traveling.

Here are my beautiful girls! What a great season! I can't wait for Winter Guard!

BYU Competition

The last time we get to travel with the trailer for the year. BYU was a fun competition. We did not stay very long though.
Kyler & Calista - Calista forgot her brown stomach "thingy" so we put her black camisole on. Can you tell the difference?

We performed well at this competition.

We ended up winning 3rd place in the color guard. You don't get a tropy for that, but we improved from last weeks competition.